Dear China, This Is War!

by Sully on May 11, 2020

Did China and the World Health Organization lie to the world? That’s what is being reported and the more information that is discovered, the more it appears to be true!

The Chinese Coronavirus or Wuhan-Virus or COVID-19 has caused death and economic destruction across the world. That fact is undisputed! China, with the help of the WHO, is continuing frantic attempts to avoid blame and is now presenting themselves as the model for virus mitigation. However, conflicting stories from the Chinese Communist Party are shining a very bright light on this pathetic deception.

At first, China stated that the virus came from bats sold in a “Wet Market” in Wuhan. When this was found to be untrue, China said that the virus came from the United States military. Despite the absurdity, China has maintained this ruse!

China has arrested doctors and nurses who attempted to tell the real story. Some were taken away and have disappeared! Journalists, from the New York Times and the Washington Post, have been kicked out of China for attempting to release virus reporting. When the United States offered to send its scientists to assist, China refused!

Even more disturbing is the fact that the CCP allowed international flights OUT of China while restricting internal flights out of Wuhan to the rest of China! They knew the virus was easily transmitted from human to human as early as late 2019, but deliberately misled the world until late in January of 2020!

If that is not enough deception for you … China hoarded Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) even BEFORE the announcement of human to human transmission! This deliberate move to corner the emergency equipment supply is not simply disgusting … it is murderous in its intent! Subsequent markups in price and the leveraging of PPE for international business agreements (such as 5G) demonstrate just how low China is willing to go in this entire debacle.

When China threatened to withhold lifesaving drugs, from the USA, the curtain was raised on China’s overall evil intent. Their objective is to dominate the world and if we are smart, we will do everything in our power to block their desires!

Were these Chinese actions deliberate? Was their intent to destroy the American economy because they were losing the Trade War? Does China believe that Joe Biden will be elected if the American economy falters before the United States elections? I think the answers to all of these questions is a resounding YES!

I am now declaring a personal WAR on China! From this day forward I will do everything I can to choose products Made In The USA and I invite all Americans to join me!

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