Afghan Blame = Democrats!

by Sully on August 26, 2021

Let the finger-pointing begin!

In reality, one only needs to visualize a single entity to blame for the horrendous failure in Afghanistan … Democrats!

The Trump administration wanted to get us out of Afghanistan too … only … Trump had a plan. All Joe Biden had to do was follow it! Sadly, he did not and now we face dangers on a level higher than anything we’ve seen in decades.

Joe Biden has inexplicably abandoned the best weaponry that money can buy and has STRANDED Americans (including Afghans who aided us for 20 years) in a country that has not only been given back to the Taliban, it has now quite possibly been served up on a platter to China, Russia and Iran for exploitation! Is there something else going on here? Is it just as well that Afghanistan is under Taliban control? Did China threaten Biden in some manner?

How in the HELL did this happen? Simple … the United States liberal media succeeded in covering for Joe Biden during a basement campaign that was coordinated with a “Plandemic”, mail in voting, Big Tech censorship of Biden scandals, ballot box stuffing in key states, suppression of oversight at certain precincts and unsecured voting machines. There is simply NO WAY this country is dumb enough overall to have elected Joe Biden! Thankfully, the various state’s full forensic audits are proving mountains of fraud! The problem is … Democrats are obstructing, running out the clock and succeeding in jamming a socialist agenda into the pipelines of law. Are there ANY patriotic Democrats left who will tell Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer to take a hike? Only time will tell.

If you voted for Joe Biden because of “mean tweets” or “Orange man bad” or simply TDS then … well, you should have your head examined! The President of the United States must have “America First” in his heart, a basic understanding of economics and a LOVE for our Constitution! Joe Biden has none of these!

God help us!

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by Sully on February 17, 2021

Millions of torches will be taken up!

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The Democrat’s Capitol Riot!

by Sully on February 12, 2021

Yes, you read that right! It was the Democrat party … NOT Donald Trump … that started the fire and fueled the flames which caused the January 6th, 2021 Riot in Washington, DC!

TDS sufferers will exclaim “Oh no … it can’t be! It was Trump … it was Trump’s tweets … it was his speech that day … it was his interviews … look at their flags, their red caps, their shirts … it was … it was … Trump!”

As the Impeachment Masquerade continues once again, we are inundated with inaccurate claims, half truths, video manipulation and outright lies from the Democrat Impeachment Managers. Videos are shown, tweets are displayed and partisan Hollywood editing provides captioned thought control in an attempt to condemn Donald Trump to the social and political gallows.

The truth is … Democrats should look in the mirror!

The incitement to riot began well BEFORE Donald J. Trump was even sworn in as our 45th president! His escalator descent prompted immediate mocking news reports on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC & PBS as well as desperate cries, name-calling and death threats from Hollywood elites! Democrats in the House and Senate spawned a “Fight Back” narrative that truly became the initial kindling … not only of political condemnation and hatred of Donald Trump, but a narrative which led to destructive riots in Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles, Dallas, Chicago, Kansas City, Louisville, Minneapolis, Atlanta, New York and Washington DC … all without Democrat condemnation until the winds of public opinion began to push against their political narrative! As far as other direct media involvement goes … late night talk shows belittled Trump and celebrity type dinners attempted to embarrass him publicly. Individuals and organizations, who once awarded and praised Donald Trump, began to unfairly throw the stones of racism, bigotry, xenophobia and anything else derogatory they could dream up. The fact that Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton was something that could NOT have happened fairly, could NOT be tolerated and was to be RESISTED using all means necessary to remove him. To that end Social Media sites censored and eventually banned the President of the United States and certain individual supporters in what can only be viewed as election interference and voter suppression!

Does anyone believe that the over 75 million Trump voters would be able to completely ignore the figurative and literal attacks against them and their President? These attacks went on for over four solid years … day in and day out without exception! Even the most even keeled republicans have become disgusted with the constant and disgustingly derogatory attacks … not only against President Trump but against their intelligence as republican voters.

Democrats pointing the finger at Donald Trump should take a deep breath and reevaluate their own lives. Trump Derangement Syndrome is real … and … it looks like it may be terminal unless treated with an honest attempt at rehabilitation.

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The objective is clear … Democrats intend to use the Coronavirus to damage the economy of the United States and in the process, destroy the re-election of Donald Trump! Refusing to believe this theory is both naive and uninformed.

Months ago there was an article proclaiming that the only two things that could now stop Trump’s re-election were War … or … a Pandemic. I have said before and will say again … Iran tried to goad us into war by attacking tankers, downing an advanced military drone and lobbing rockets at our troops in Iraq! Thankfully, Trump did NOT take that bait!

Now … BOOM … A Pandemic … and … you cannot convince me this is not an orchestrated event! The truth will present itself at some point. Will it include a Fauci, Gates and Democrat link? Is my tin foil hat showing? With all of the information being exposed about the Russian Hoax, do NOT be so quick to dismiss ANY connections.

Donald Trump created the best economy in the history of the United States and in so doing, he clipped the economy to his presidential aspirations belt. If the Democrats can destroy our economy, they believe they can destroy Donald Trump at the same time. While it may seem impossible to think that Americans could turn on Americans, think back to the Civil War. We are actually coming to that ideological point again!

As Republican governors work to open their states as quickly as possible, it has become clear that many Democrat governed states are dragging their feet … PURPOSELY! Their hatred for Trump is fueling their desire to slow walk the awakening of their economies. Democrat soldiers have indeed taken aim at our freedoms!

This lust for power will cost Democrats dearly!

Republicans, Libertarians, Independents, Moderate Democrats and ANYONE else who wishes to defend our freedoms MUST turn out and vote for Donald Trump in November! Additionally, anyone who loves this country must VOTE TO REMOVE ALL DEMOCRATS from the House of Representatives and the Senate!

It’s a tall order … but we are up to the challenge!

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Dear China, This Is War!

by Sully on May 11, 2020

Did China and the World Health Organization lie to the world? That’s what is being reported and the more information that is discovered, the more it appears to be true!

The Chinese Coronavirus or Wuhan-Virus or COVID-19 has caused death and economic destruction across the world. That fact is undisputed! China, with the help of the WHO, is continuing frantic attempts to avoid blame and is now presenting themselves as the model for virus mitigation. However, conflicting stories from the Chinese Communist Party are shining a very bright light on this pathetic deception.

At first, China stated that the virus came from bats sold in a “Wet Market” in Wuhan. When this was found to be untrue, China said that the virus came from the United States military. Despite the absurdity, China has maintained this ruse!

China has arrested doctors and nurses who attempted to tell the real story. Some were taken away and have disappeared! Journalists, from the New York Times and the Washington Post, have been kicked out of China for attempting to release virus reporting. When the United States offered to send its scientists to assist, China refused!

Even more disturbing is the fact that the CCP allowed international flights OUT of China while restricting internal flights out of Wuhan to the rest of China! They knew the virus was easily transmitted from human to human as early as late 2019, but deliberately misled the world until late in January of 2020!

If that is not enough deception for you … China hoarded Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) even BEFORE the announcement of human to human transmission! This deliberate move to corner the emergency equipment supply is not simply disgusting … it is murderous in its intent! Subsequent markups in price and the leveraging of PPE for international business agreements (such as 5G) demonstrate just how low China is willing to go in this entire debacle.

When China threatened to withhold lifesaving drugs, from the USA, the curtain was raised on China’s overall evil intent. Their objective is to dominate the world and if we are smart, we will do everything in our power to block their desires!

Were these Chinese actions deliberate? Was their intent to destroy the American economy because they were losing the Trade War? Does China believe that Joe Biden will be elected if the American economy falters before the United States elections? I think the answers to all of these questions is a resounding YES!

I am now declaring a personal WAR on China! From this day forward I will do everything I can to choose products Made In The USA and I invite all Americans to join me!

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