Dear Millennials … Socialism Always Loses!

by Sully on June 27, 2018

Dear Millennials,

Socialism is defined as …

1 : any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods

2 a : a system of society or group living in which there is no private property
b : a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state

3 : a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done

I just wanted to inform you as to the meaning of Socialism because any desire to move the United States toward this form of government is ill advised and contrary to our founding. Sadly, the party of John Kennedy, one which I was formerly a misinformed follower, has been infiltrated by a dangerous leftist ideology. You are being misled, lied to and used because of your youth and enthusiasm.

Socialism has NOTHING to do with being “social” or kind or understanding. As a matter of fact it is completely the opposite! Collective or government control of goods and distribution means that SOMEONE ELSE IS CONTROLLING YOUR LIFE! Do you really want the government telling you which job you MUST take or which foods you MUST eat? Aren’t you glad you are out from under the thumb of your parents … free to decide where you live, who you love and what you will wear tomorrow? Do you want to relinquish this control to a government! If you answer yes to this question perhaps you would be happier in Venezuela.

How about the car you drive or the phone you use or your ability to start your own business? Choose Socialism and you lose your ability to choose anything regarding those and other aspects of a free life. Choose Socialism and bow to a controlling elite which believes THEY know what is best for YOU! You are no longer children … how is this kind of submission attractive at all?

There are those who would have you believe Capitalism is evil and uncaring. I submit to you that it is indeed Socialism which fits those labels. Socialism will lock you into a career path regardless of your desires. It lures you to a utopian stupor which convinces you that everyone should be paid the same salary regardless of drive, output and imagination. We already have laws with regard to equal pay for equal work and we continue to improve as it pertains to men and women. Choose Socialism and you will earn the same as someone who produces or exerts only half of what you do! This eliminates inspiration, dreams, aspiration and greatness! Aren’t you better than that?

Socialism is stifling!

Socialism has NOTHING to do with being social!

Socialism has NOTHING to do with being kind!

Socialism has NOTHING to do with caring!


Are YOU a failure?

Think about it! If you’re not a failure or simply do not care to be a failure then research and educate yourself about those countries that have been dictated the path of Socialism. Once you learn the truth about Socialism, you will wonder what you were thinking.

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