by Sully on October 25, 2012

Enough already!


I am disgusted with this administration’s lies and deception in the aftermath of the “Terrorist Attack” on our Embassy in Libya. ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN & MSNBC are protecting President Barack Hussein Obama to a degree  never before seen in the history of this country! Instead of “journalists” asking the probing questions necessary to expose the horrendous failings of this administration, the legacy networks have purposely turned a blind eye.

It has now become clear Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Susan Rice, Jay Carney and Hillary Clinton lied to the American people! In order to maintain the mirage of a safer world … guided by his so-called “expertise” in foreign policy … Obama, his administration and the lame-stream media blamed the attack on a movie denigrating the prophet Muhammad!

We cannot allow this type of deception! It is time to teach the dishonest media a lesson. We must first vote Obama out of office and then … choose NOT to view those networks who have run interference for our smack talking, finger-pointing “Jokester in Chief”!

Decisions have consequences!

The major media’s decisions to mask the truth should cost them their viewership … before the “Left’s” distorted view costs us our freedoms!

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