Weiner Wants a Waiver!?!?

by Sully on March 27, 2011

Yes, you’re pronouncing that right. It’s like the nickname for a dachshund or a hot dog. The only thing funnier would be if his name was Oscar M.!

Anthony D.Weiner (D-N.Y.) was one of the biggest “mouths” in support of the Obamacare fiasco signed into law one year ago. I have watched many broadcast and cable news network interviews pressing him on healthcare or other views and am now of the opinion he is one of the most arrogant, obnoxious, misguided and condescending representatives in congress! If you doubt my layman’s analysis please click here for a second opinion.

There is a perfectly logical and understandable reason for his current behavior. Below is a picture of little Weiner during his high school days.

I don’t know about you, but this looks to me like a kid that spent most of his time, in high school, stuffed in his own locker! I mean … THAT would definitely affect your attitude and outlook on life! 😉

The Waiver.

 Officially called the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act” the healthcare law’s name is the polar opposite of reality! It is neither “protection” nor “affordable” as its name suggests. The more we learn, the more obvious is the damage to budgets, jobs, availability, choice and health-care delivery itself! Now, to validate this diagnosis, comes Weiner himself as he contemplates a “Waiver Request” for New York City!

Isn’t it interesting that the law he promoted as the best thing since the toaster, is now something which will NOT be good for NYC OR his possible run for Mayor of same? It is tempting to say this is absolutely unbelievable, but … it has become all too common for liberals to proclaim — “Do as I say … NOT, as I do!

Watch the short video below and listen closely as Weiner states “The bill and I are one”.

The most interesting thing about the video is that it was posted on the “Media Matters for America” website claiming the Right-Wing conservative media has misconstrued Weiner’s comments. There is no logic, fact or coherent thought in their single page of argument yet they (and Weiner too) would have you believe the waiver request is proof of the “flexibility” of the law! HA! How absolutely pathetic! Ah … but even more interesting than their Right2Spin something out of nothing … is what I found after a little more research.

War on FOX News!

 Yep … you read it right! “Media Matters for America” has declared an “all-out campaign of guerilla warfare and sabotage” aimed at the Fox News Channel and a few conservative blogs! Obviously, FOX is doing something right and that explains Media Matters’ lame attempt to spin the “Weiner Waiver video” as something positive for the liberal view! I will not dignify their site and article about this by providing a link, but will have another article on these folks and their “backers” another day. Right now, I have digressed … soooo … back to the healthcare debacle and Weiner Roast.

Say What?

“The president said, “If you have better ideas that can accomplish the same thing, go for it.” said Weiner. “I’m in the process now of trying to see if we can take [President Barack Obama] up on it in the city of New York, … and I’m taking a look at all of the money we spend in Medicaid and Medicare and maybe New York City can come up with a better plan.”
“We in New York already have hospitals, we already employ doctors and we employ nurses. We have a lot of uninsured people. … [Setting up] the exchanges is the one piece of the puzzle that would be difficult for us to do,” he said.I’m just looking internally to whether the city can save money and have more control over its own destiny.”

WOW … BRILLIANT … controlling our own destiny huh?


THAT is exactly what conservatives have been saying all along!

 If only we could get the other backward 49 states to install running water, flush toilets, electricity and abandon their Witch Doctor, Medicine Man, Shaman, Faith Healer & Voodo Queen practices then perhaps we could ALL “catch up” with the illustrious Mr. Weiner and his comrades! Dat dere’s a purdy tall order tho ain’t it?


Common sense tells you any law worth its salt would not need a waiver … yet, to date, there have been over 1000 such waivers. If these “waivers” were NOT granted, people could have lost their existing coverage or experienced large increases in premiums in order to meet the law’s minimum coverage requirements. Ya haven’t heard much about that on NBC, ABC or CBS have you? Nah … would have been too politically embarrassing!

Fun Facts and Disturbing Minutia:

Former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) stated: “… we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it …”

The law contains nearly 2700 pages (more pages than War and Peace!)

105 Billion dollars of our taxpayer money was interspersed throughout the law and WILL BE SPENT unless lawmakers “pull it out” or the law is repealed.

Justice Roger Vinson of the U.S. District Court of Pensacola Florida has ruled the “individual mandate” unconstitutional.

There is no “severability clause” in the law … meaning the unconstitutionality of the individual mandate (the requirement for all citizens to buy health insurance) renders the entire law unconstitutional! Appeals are being expedited as you read this. The Obama administration is being dragged kicking and screaming to the Supreme Court … where actually anything could happen.

The Obama administration pegged the law’s costs at 938 billion dollars (to keep it under a Trillion), but the Congressional Budget Office has now found that figure to be 1.13 Trillion dollars …  … so far!

As of January 1, 2011 the law dictates you cannot use your Flex account (FSA) or Health Savings Account (HSA) to purchase over the counter medication.

Obamacare has 500 billion dollars of new or higher taxes over the next 10 years.

Unless struck down … Obamacare will require you to buy “qualifying” health insurance, as determined by government bureaucrats, or you will pay a penalty!

Capital gains taxes will increase to 23.8 percent. (a  59 % increase!)

Only 12,000 people, in the entire United States, have signed up for pre-existing conditions insurance … because most states already offer it! This was a “BIG DEAL” in the overall debate.

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) states 800,000 jobs will be “killed” by Obamacare within the next decade.

Wait, there’s more!

Weiner’s possible request proves there is absolutely no reason to create another gigantic health-care entitlement program … especially if it is based on smoke, mirrors and fuzzy double-counting-governmental-game-playing math! Watch HHS’s (Health & Human Services) Kathleen Sebelius “step in a big pile” below:

A continuing story …

This law looks and smells like road-kill … which is exactly what our country may be if it is allowed to stand! Encourage your conservative lawmakers in their fight for repeal or defunding! If you would like to read more about this “mess”, you may do so at Heritage.org … click here.

Meanwhile … it’s time to stuff Weiner and “Media Matters” back in their lockers!

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