#SchumerShutdown Is Over … Democrats Wise Up!

by Sully on January 22, 2018

Yes, it is possible for Democrats to wise up once in a while and now … the #SchumerShutdown is over!

With polls showing growing anger at the Democrat position of putting illegals before citizens and our military, the Democrats have flocked to vote in favor of ending the #SchumerShutdown. It was obvious from the beginning that Democrats were playing politics and purposely clogging up the works. Their gamble has backfired and they are now backtracking as fast as they can.

Once the American public sees tax cut results, in their paychecks, the Democrats will be lucky to gain any seats in the House or Senate! How anyone votes for a Democrat, in the Mid-Terms, is beyond me!

Just like the British at the Battle of New Orleans, the Democrats are running for their lives! We must keep up the messaging fight and crush these Leftists whenever possible!

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