On, Wisconsin!

by Sully on February 28, 2011

Many high school marching bands, across our great country, have cut their teeth on this rousing song. It was one of several productions which was easily memorized, fun to play and actually assisted in the completion of the choreography on the street or gridiron. We would step smartly, play well and as long as the “Dancing Tubas” or the Bass Drum players didn’t trample or knock anyone unconscious, we called it a success! I must have played this song a hundred times and never knew the words … check them out.

On, Wisconsin! On, Wisconsin!
Plunge right through that line!
Run the ball clear down the field,
A touchdown sure this time. (U rah rah)
On, Wisconsin! On, Wisconsin!
Fight on for her fame
Fight! Fellows! – fight, fight, fight!
We’ll win this game.

On, Wisconsin! On, Wisconsin!
Stand up, Badgers, sing!
“Forward” is our driving spirit,
Loyal voices ring.
On, Wisconsin! On, Wisconsin!
Raise her glowing flame
Stand, Fellows, let us now
Salute her name!

Unless you’ve been living under a rock (I love that Geico commercial), you have seen or heard at least something about the union tantrums in and around Wisconsin’s capitol building. There is surely a lot of true talent and skilled labor amongst the demonstrators, but the one thing for which unions are renowned is their ability to gather, yell, scream, blow whistles, beat drums and basically just throw a “hissy fit”! If you have raised children, it is exactly the same sort of behavior displayed by the very young when you tell them, “I’m really sorry, we just can’t afford the Happy Meal this time.”  Oh man … once that phrase leaves your mouth, it’s like a bomb goes off … tears, piercing screams, pounding of fists, plopping on the floor right in the middle of the restaurant … hmmm … wait a minute … sound familiar Wisconsin? Children are sheltered from certain realities and their rudimentary reasoning skills render explanations basically worthless. The bottom line is, you are the adult and you know what needs to happen.      

Soooo … why does the recent senate “walkout”, of 14 Wisconsin Democrats, compel me to yell … “ON, WISCONSIN!”?

It’s a battle cry of sorts, that’s why! Last November the voters of this country soundly rejected the big government and big spending habits of the past. It’s also in anticipation of courageous representatives who see the dangers of “business as usual” and responsibly deal with the “tantrums of the minority” as they move to change things through the vote of the people! I must admit a degree of “nanny-nanny-boo-boo” in seeing the “other team” run for the hills in the face of inevitable defeat! Oh, I know about the plea for more civility in public discourse, but my feelings here are nothing compared to the nasty, name calling, deception and arrogance being displayed in and around Wisconsin’s statehouse! These protestors and senators are attempting to steal the Wisconsin representative vote!

While it bothers me to hear of taxpayers paying for public employee compensation which exceeds or doubles that of the “same level” private sector, there is another item that is even more disturbing. Taxpayers, as a whole, are likely and sometimes unknowingly providing money to support Democrat party candidates! Your taxes pay the salaries of public union employees — the salaries have union dues extracted — and those dues are used by union entities to assist Democrat campaigns. This is not new, but I guarantee it is something the union leaders hope will remain relatively unseen … just another one of those “dirty little secrets” they would rather sweep under the rug.

Now, how about the things we CAN see. Last week, public employees and doctors were collaborating in the streets of Wisconsin to create fake doctor’s excuses! Are you kidding me … really … boldly and in front of TV cameras? These were teachers no less! You would think they would know better, but noooooo … they admitted they were getting doctor’s notes so they wouldn’t be fired! Obviously, the “notes” would be used to receive sick pay! Now, I don’t think the majority of teachers, in this country, would stoop to this depth of deceit. Those that do however (union or not), are effectively teaching our children to lie and then act like “spoiled brats” on the taxpayer dime! One union leader (interviewed on camera) was absolutely unwilling to answer whether or not this type of behavior was condoned by his organization! His silence and avoidance of the question was deafening!   

The unions say they are OK with the increased personal contribution amounts in health-care and pensions, but the rub is in the “collective bargaining” restrictions. Are these the same “bargaining” processes that allow the “bumping back” of less senior employees without regard to productivity or performance? These “collective” agreements actually breed mediocrity rather than encourage exceptionalism. I have known union members who have been laid off because they were the “low man on the pole” … NOT because of their “productive rank”. That’s just irritating!

While the unions suggest they stand up for worker’s rights, how is it fair to FORCE union membership rather than allow the “right of choice” like other “right to work” states? I know there are differences in public and private unions, but overall, statistics seem to indicate that “right to work” states have economies which are in much better shape than those states who force union membership (for an interesting perspective on this click here).

Governor Scott Walker should be applauded for his serious attention to the goals of the November vote. The Democrat senators, on the other hand, are holding the state of Wisconsin “hostage” by running off to an “undisclosed location” … attempting to “take their ball and go home”. The truth is … their “home” is in the senate where they should debate like men and women, vote their conscience and handle themselves like adults!

The choices are clear … “Union (temper tantrum) Mob Rule” … or … a “Civil” Representative Republic.

I’m with Governor Walker … NO HAPPY MEAL THIS TIME!

“On, Wisconsin”!  


Woodstock's Mom March 4, 2011 at 11:07 am

Dude, you are hilarious! What a fun time!

Sully March 10, 2011 at 8:52 pm

Thanks “Woodstock’s Mom”! Hopefully, more to come.

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